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Riveting the horizontal stabilizer skin

Riveting the skin of the horizontal stabilizer does not happen as the skeleton. The rivets of the skeleton are rounded heads, those of the skin are flush rivets to reduce drag in flight.
The rules are : 1. Apply enough pressure on the head of the rivet holding the rivet gun perpendicular to the skin (not too much pressure otherwise: smiley risk) 2. Apply the weight on the rivet tail without damaging the skeleton and without ripper and holding the weight at the tail perpendicularly 3. Trigger the gun, not too long … Tip : Practice before on the training kit … it is not obvious at first but after 15/30 rivets, one learns to be determined quickly.
Riveting first rib Riveting the left side Riveting the right side Adding the rear spar Details of the rear spar rivets attached to the skin
The result
Horizontal stabilizer will be stored before painting, it will be attached to the fuselage.

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